Leadership Team
The team members at Camp Joy are frequently recognized for their professionalism, expertise and enthusiasm. It’s our people, in addition to our programs, that differentiate us. Did you know that many of the staff live on campus at Camp Joy? Our Jobs are not just jobs.
Casey Miller, Operations Director, is originally from Owensboro, Kentucky. Home of some of the best BBQ you can possibly imagine. Casey made his way to Ohio via Western Kentucky University where he graduated with a degree in Recreation Administration. During his time in college, he developed a passion for teaching and being involved with youth programming.
Casey joined the team at Joy in 2002 as an outdoor educator and quickly became the coordinator for the Outdoor School Program. Casey led the Guest Services team, for 5 years, to high quality food and accommodations. Having his hand in several areas of Joy serves as good experience for Casey as the director of the Operations team at Joy. Casey is very excited about being apart of the long history of Camp Joy.
During his off hours, you will find Casey on one of the many golf courses in Ohio. There’s just something about the game of golf that can drive you crazy and make you feel sane all at the same time.
[email protected]
Stephanie joined Camp Joy in November 2021 after a chance encounter with a friend and past colleague when dropping off medical supplies to her son Caleb, while he was working as a Summer Camp Counselor. Stephanie credits her son’s experience at Camp Joy as a literal game-changer for their family after he attended his first year at Diabetes Camp as a Camper several years ago. What were supposed the be the best years of his young life, turned out to be the most challenging, as he had a multitude of medical issues arise one after another. Camp Joy became his haven, and the fond memories and hopes of next summer were often what kept him pushing through. As he grew up, he transitioned from being a camper into the roles of Counselor-in-Training, and then Counselor.
Through the years, Stephanie grew to appreciate the positive impact that Camp Joy had on her young son, so when an opportunity arose to pair her skills and expertise with an organization she’d grown so grateful for, she jumped at the opportunity to serve the mission.
Stephanie has over 20 year of experience in business leadership with a strong emphasis in strategic business development, sales and marketing in both the for-profit and nonprofit sectors combined. She joined the nonprofit sector in 2013 after a long career in real estate and bank-owned real estate, as she simply desired for her work to carry greater meaning- and she’s never looked back.
Most recently Stephanie served as the Director of Transformational Giving at United Way of Greater Cincinnati, the Director of Development at the Center for Addiction Treatment prior to that, and as Managing Development Advisor at Disabled American Veterans National Headquarters prior to that.
Stephanie is passionate about the world of philanthropy, and aligning opportunities and needs to serve those in the community whose needs can only be met by the work carried out in the nonprofit sector. She is a champion of professional development, team building, and loves collaborating with investors inside and outside the organization on how to make the greatest impact.
Stephanie values human dignity and equal opportunity above all. Stephanie is the mother of 3 biological boys, but over the course of her 22 year marriage, she and her husband have opened their doors and their hearts to nearly a dozen young people facing various hardships and obstacles. It’s been through these lessons and experiences that Stephanie understands and appreciates the need for there to be a Camp Joy where kids of all walks of life can experience the wonders of nature; have a safe place to just be a kid and leave their worries behind; and realize their true potential from within.
Nate Hirt has been commuting from Cincinnati since 1986. He went to Northland College in Ashland, Wisconsin to earn a bachelors degree in Outdoor Education, Natural History. Nate has twenty four years in the camping industry – eighteen of which have been with JOY in various roles. Over the past eight years Nate has sat in the Director’s chair (exercise ball) and led his team to the highest levels of professionalism, and quality programming the Outdoor Education Program has seen.
– Ask him how his membership with Greater Cincinnati Environmental Educator and the Warren County Astronomical Society can help you!
If you don’t find him in the office, there is a good chance he is outside looking up. He does love looking at the birds and now the stars…
Otis Williams is the founder and President/CEO of Otis Williams Limitless, a personal development firm that teaches people how to train their fear so they can live free and share their gifts with the world. He is a highly sought-after award-winning speaker, facilitator, seminar leader, and personal growth coach. Otis has practiced—and proven—what he preaches. For over two decades, he has been educating, training, developing, and challenging people in the areas of motivation, change, leadership, and courage.
Otis was adopted and raised in a low-income single parent home. Growing up, he watched his mother as she refused to make excuses, accepted responsibility, and worked hard. It was his mother’s example that made him say, “If she can do it, I can do it!” With a burning desire to have more than what the “projects” had to offer, Otis began studying and applying proven universal laws and timeless principles that govern success and achievement.
Shortly after graduating from high school, Otis joined the U.S. Army. While serving in the Army, he decided to face and conquer his fear of heights by jumping out of perfectly good airplanes and successfully completing the rigorous training to become an Airborne Paratrooper. In less than two years, using the laws and principles he was studying, Otis was promoted from a private to a noncommissioned officer.
As a lifelong learner, with an understanding of the value of both informal and formal education, Otis (a first-generation college graduate) earned his associate’s degree while serving on active duty in the military, and both his bachelor’s and master’s degrees after re-entering civilian life.
After receiving an honorable discharge, Otis began a career in banking, with no previous banking or finance experience. By continuing to apply the laws and principles he had been studying, in less than 18 months, he was promoted from loan collector to assistant branch manager. Shortly after getting promoted, Otis decided to work on his communication and leadership skills by joining Toastmasters International.
After emerging victorious from among more than 10,000 speakers worldwide to capture the coveted title of “World Champion of Public Speaking” for Toastmasters International, Otis was convinced that “This stuff works!” With a true passion to help people be, do, have, and give more, he founded Otis Williams Limitless, a personal development company that teaches people how to identify and use the proven universal laws and principles that govern success and achievement so they can live their dreams!
Beth joined Camp Joy as the Business Operations Director in January of 2023. Beth has her Masters of Science in Human Resources Development from Xavier University. Beth brings streamlined processes, focus on financial sustainability and experience in HR functions.
Beth has a daughter named Ellen and a goldendoodle named Buddy. She spends her free time with her family, friends, reading and traveling.