Living An Active Life
This year marks Ralph’s third year as a camper at Joy. Throughout Ralph’s camp experience he has overcome homesickness and enjoyed all of his favorite camp activities. “Don’t be afraid to go after what you want in life, just give it a try and do it,” said 15 year old Ralph, a native of Cincinnati, Ohio.
Ralph came to Camp Joy with Healthworks, a camp to combat childhood obesity. Ralph credits his success at camp to the counselors that he has had over the years: “At first I was homesick because I didn’t know what to expect, but I had two counselors that helped me stay and get through it. They made camp easier because they motivated me and helped me push through the week.” Ralph’s desire to stay at camp turned into a desire to become a Counselor-In-Training (CIT), an experience which he has thoroughly enjoyed! When he turns 16 Ralph plans on applying to be a counselor at Camp Joy because he truly enjoys “the camp experience because it has made me more confident and more active”. The importance of staying active and believing in one’s self resonated with Ralph and the camper’s he has influenced as a CIT.
The excitement of learning and growing at Camp Joy all begins with our first connection with you.
We are excited to get the opportunity to meet you and show you camp! If it is easier, just give Tia a call at 513-478-9282
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